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If you’re having trouble scanning the QR code on your phone, we recommend using another app like Google Lens for Android or QR Reader for iPhone.

Yes, it is necessary to have a registered user to vote. You can register with your Google account or with your email account.

Yes, whether you participated in La Ruta de la Tapa de 2022 or La Ruta de Cuaresma de 2022, you can use the username and password with which you registered.

Yes, when registering, click on the Google button at the bottom of the form, and you can access with your account on that platform.

Make sure to enter the information correctly. If you don’t remember your password, you can reset it by clicking on “Forgot your password?” and following the instructions on the page.

No, but if you win a prize, we can contact you more directly, and that’s the only reason we would contact you.

Once you register your fourth visit, the option to vote will be enabled, and you will receive an additional vote for every 4 tapas you try. If you consume 15 tapas, you get an extra vote. You can also vote through the “My account” section.

Remember that you will have one entry in the contest for each of your votes.

No, you need to make sure before voting for your favorite tapa. You have until the end of the route (November 26) to vote, and you can accumulate your votes until you are sure.

There will be an award ceremony, and winners will be contacted by phone or email. You can find all the information about the contest here.

To view the map, you need to accept the necessary marketing cookies by clicking on the map box or changing your consent at the bottom right of the page.

The provided data will only be used for the contest. You can check our privacy policy here.

If none of the above answers has solved your problem, contact us via WhatsApp.